![Sanguis Sanies Sanguis Sanies](https://images.evetech.net/characters/1243588817/portrait?size=64)
Sanguis Sanies
Posted - 2009.05.26 16:04:00 -
Edited by: Sanguis Sanies on 26/05/2009 16:08:10
Originally by: Akita T So, I'm wondering which CSM candidates from the current election pool supports a fast resolution along the lines described in this thread ?
Why aren't you running for CSM ![Idea](/images/icon_idea.gif)
For the last month or so I have mined more or less everyday in the same stationless 0.5 khanid system, so naturally I mine the same belt(s), keeping my own mining spreadsheet I have noticed a trend, now these are the numbers I've pulled for Fiery Kernite;
5794 +7097 +7097 +7097 +4545 +7097 +4545 +2787 +7097 +2787 +5794 +7083 +2787
These are the numbers for Dense Veldspar;
55558 +39415 +60536 +10272 +60536 +10272 +29324 +60535 +10273 +21993 +46052 +60535 +10273 +46052 +55558 +20200
Notice how I have the EXACT same numbers pop up again and again. F.Ker 7097 5 times, 4545 twice, 5794 twice, 2787 three times.
as I Jetcan mine the numbers for Dense Veldspar are less similar as it tends to "overflow" into the next Jetcan and I input the two different values as opposed to putting in the "day" amount, but even so; 60535/60536 4 times, 46052 twice, 55558 twice.
If it's at the point where I am mining not only the same belts, but PRECISELY the same ROIDS then yes; mining needs an overhaul.
If I was completely and utterly anal I could keep a spreadsheet that showed each individual roid and set-up a plan to mine each roid from most profitable to least profitable, warping from precise bookmark to precise bookmark to mine one or two roids then move to the next, till all veld in the system is gone, then scor, then Ker, with my Orca/Hauler keeping up behind me, no need to worry about a tank, no need to worry about drones, I'd only be spending 2 or three minutes in each bookmark anyway.
With that kind of precise and complete predictability where is the incentive NOT to macro.
[/end rant 1]
[Begin rant 2]
Also I would Like to add that there is a need for greater diversity in Mining ships, only six ships in total and two support ships! not to mention that the Retriever and Hulk are the only ones used (Except Mackinaws with ICE mining).
If I fly missions or 0.0 blob then I have a choice of 6 frigates, 4 crusiers and 3 Battleships PER RACE, plus at least 1 Tech 2 PER SHIP and then add in Faction variaties and I have at least 30 ships PER RACE to fly around in, then add in Support, Logistics and Command ships and that blows out to 40+ ships PER RACE, each with it's own specific purpose and bonuses, So I can have a highly specialised 0.0 blob flying around.
Rather than just having ORE as the be-all-and-end-all of mining maybe we could have 1 or 2 other NPC mining Factions with BPO/BPC's that have bonuses to specific types of roid (like a skiff has +60% to Merc per level, maybe we could have one that was +10% to Veld per level) and they should have a different skill tree so that Mining-Barge and Exhumer belong to ORE ships, but (for example) High Sec Specialists Frigate and High Sec Specialists Crusier belong to the High Sec Specialists Ships separate and distinct from ORE skill tree. We could also have Mining Modules and euipment made by another 1 or 2 different NPC corps. ORE can't possible be the only corp in the EVEverse that has a stake in mining!
Sorry if I got a bit off topic from the OP, got a bit caught up in it. wow only 668 characters left!! |